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If you have any question don't hesitate in contact us. Would you like to come and see how cozy it is by us? Then contact us for schedule a tour. We are looking foward to meet you!

Dorpsplein 3, 2631CX Nootdorp
Phone. office: 015-3107939
LRK: 223303902 KVK: 27319433
Groups' phone numbers
Family Lief: 015 3109962
Family Knus: 015 3109963
Family Troetel: 015 3109964
Family Ietsepietsie (3+): 015 3020162
Opening hours KDV
Mon 7.30 - 18.30
Tue 7.30 - 18.30
Wed 7.30 - 18.30
Thu 7.30 - 18.30
Fr 7.30 - 18.30
Office opening hours
Mon 8.30 - 17.00
Tue 8.30 - 17.00
Wed 8.30 - 17.00
Thr 8.30 - 17.00
Fri - closed
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